
Globe Politics World

Any hope for change rests with the left

As the extreme right extends its reach across the continent, there is an urgent need to entrench a political structure to function as a traditional vanguard, recognizing and summarizing the most urgent needs of social majorities and advancing a future social order that, in its very essence, differs from the present order. The key is to hinder the progress of a right that stubbornly insists on maintaining and strengthening the neoliberal model and international relations that are grossly reliant on metropolitan capitalism.

Globe United Kingdom World

China, own-brand capitalism

The material development of China, that is to say, the drive of its productive forces, is undeniable and is one of the principal causes of the world’s capitalists losing sleep.   Juan Diego García   Supporters of capitalism are surprised to see how China, formerly backward and humiliated by Western […]

Globe United Kingdom World

True national sovereignty

True national sovereignty is what guarantees the interests of the majority of the population. A strong and modern state and a healthy and skilled population are indispensable in a project of national development that allows the country to end backwardness and the dependence and limitations that prevent it entering the […]