
Comments In Focus World

Squatting: under the cover of occupation

In the English-speaking world they are known as ‘squatters’, in Spain ‘okupas’, and in certain Latin American countries as ‘paracaidistas’ (‘parachutists’). These are some of the terms that refer to those people throughout the world who lead lives based on occupying abandoned buildings or abandoned housing.   Juan Galbete   […]

Globe Latin America

In the land of Tango

Our journey to Buenos Aires from London began on a stuffy British Airways flight lasting fifteen very long hours. However almost as soon as we stepped foot on to Argentinean soil our acidic moods evaporated and we were captivated by the enveloping passion of what I consider to be the […]

Globe World

Kurdistan, an ethnic genocide

2000 marked the beginning of a new era. After the consideration of admitting Turkey to the EU, they were obliged to respect the rights of the national minorities of Turkey.   Daniel Fernández   “There is not only one nation in Turkey; there is also the Kurdish nation”. Those are […]