
Migrants Multiculture

Spanish immigrants: a turn of the screw

Today Spaniards are facing the inevitable issue of unemployment. Having been forced to abandon their country, they are now enduring the harsh reality which Latin Americans have known only too well for the past few decade, who have almost always been confined to roles in the cleaning industry regardless of […]

Migrants Multiculture

Rediscovering your roots

Every generation faces a different challenge.  And this is certainly true for British children of Latin-Americans who wish to return to the country of their parents.   Ramón Lafée   The language, the residency papers, adapting to a different culture; these are just some of the difficulties that the previous […]

Migrants Multiculture

¡Hola! Do you speak amor?

Despite the cultural differences between British people and Latin Americans, an emotion exists that is universal for everyone.   Ramón Lafée   Laura is a Colombian who has been living in London for nearly three years.  A sound engineer by trade, she spent the first months doing a variety of […]