Author: ThePrisma

Comments EdgeNotes In Focus

Mapping mental states

Surrealism lurks in the city – resting, hiding, waiting to be noticed, observed, called forth into recognition.   Steve Latham   These are times of the signs, random suggestions, inviting us to enter the serendipity of found significances, a conceptual equivalent of ‘found art’. To locate the oddness, even amidst […]

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Unethical journalism

Theoretically, modern journalism has five objectives: informing, interpreting, entertaining, educating and giving opinions. Nevertheless, in reality, their objectives are: manipulating, lying, distorting, persecuting and generating business for those who are able to pay for their services.   Patricio Mery Bell*   Journalism generates feelings far removed from reality, for example, […]

Globe Migrants Multiculture World

Women, immigrants and “undocumented”… A powerful story

On the street corners of Brooklyn, men and women from other countries wait for hours in the hope of finding a job. They’ll do anything. Up to and including putting up with the exploitative conditions that unscrupulous impresarios, knowing they don’t have ‘papers’, that they’re ‘illegal’, will subject them to. Division Ave grasps and reproduces this reality.

Comments EdgeNotes In Focus

My daughter explains things to me

Finally, the shoe is on the other foot, as a generational shift takes place. Instead of me taking time to teach my daughter, she is assuming the role of teacher.   Steve Latham   It’s a reversal of Rebecca Solnit’s ironic essay, “Men explain things to me”, exposing men’s practice […]