Our People

Migrants Multiculture Our People

“They are united by war, we must be united by peace”

This is the view of Dagoberto Gaitán Vargas, a Colombian immigrant who had to go into exile to find political asylum in the United Kingdom, where he has lived for over two decades. The son of coffee producers, born in the rural area of Tolima and with a life of militancy behind him, he has a political and social perspective on Colombia, observes the past and looks toward a future of hope. “Immigrants and activists in the UK”.

Globe Migrants Multiculture Our People United Kingdom

Grito Latino Pride Fest: A celebration of queer Latinx identity

An open-to-all festival is the UK’s first event dedicated to celebrating queer Latin American and LGBTQ+ identities. It aims to provide a welcoming space for dialogue and festivity, offering essential health services and queer-focused cultural activities to support and build community visibility during London’s Pride month.   Harry Allen   […]

Migrants Multiculture Our People

A messenger bringing Iraq to Western audiences

Yaser Al-Sayegh began his career as a reporter focused on bringing Western news to Middle Eastern audiences. He now does the opposite through his Iraq International News Agency, which offers original multimedia coverage of Iraq for syndication around the world. “I understood myself as a messenger who could bring British culture to the Middle East”. Series “Journalists and immigrants in the UK”.

Migrants Multiculture Our People

A story of immigration and struggle for the people

Amancay Colque, Bolivian immigrant, teacher, activist, with trade union, social and political experience. She lived in Argentina for several years and has lived in London since 1989. Her life is marked by the struggle against discrimination and injustice, leading concrete actions and collective initiatives to connect communities across continents, culture and politics. Series: “Immigrants and activists”.