
Comments In Focus Politics

Media bias and lies must be fought

On 20 September, protesters gathered outside the London offices of The Guardian, to demand an end to its hostile media blitz against Venezuela.   RATB   In the build up to, and since the Venezuelan presidential election on 28 July, The Guardian and its sister newspaper The Observer have churned […]

Politics World

Amilcar Cabral and decolonization today

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese Revolution and the centenary of the birth of one of the most influential leaders of the African decolonization movement. Transatlantically, Cuba played an important part militarily and politically in ejecting the colonizers, while Brazilian Paolo Freire was influenced by Cabral’s education for the people.

Globe Human Rights Politics United Kingdom World

300 days of genocide

Western government and media complicity in Israel’s Palestinian genocide. Through genocide, displacement, and denial we are vanishing an Indigenous and native population from its rightful and legal home.   Sul Nowroz / Real Media*   The Olympics play on television, ice cream vans are parked up on street corners, school […]