Author: ThePrisma

Comments In Focus

Dialogue in representative democracy

An acquaintance from my neighbourhood had had a recent operation, when my partner found her in the local shop. Everything had gone well while in the hospital, our neighbour asserted, even the fact that she “shared a room with a white woman”.   Mabel Encinas   My partner was shocked […]

Comments In Focus

The bull that became a civil servant

Based on a story that I have been hearing these days, of the unfulfillment and absence of some civil servants before their commitment to the community.   John Elvis Vera S.   Once upon a time, in an isolated village, a lone cattle farmer had a breeding Bull. All of […]

Globe United Kingdom

Through the eyes of a Kobane refugee

“Displaced” … This word is used to encompass the lives of those caught up in one of the worst humanitarian crises this century. People are doing everything they can to continue their daily lives as if there were no war. A photography exhibition has taken on the task of portraying […]