The cover of the CD, Home, from electronic, drum and bass outfit, Rudimental, features the Hackney Peace Mural. Steve Latham I remember it being painted in 1985. I am surprised that it still exists and has not been painted over, in some act of so-called urban regeneration. The […]
The paradox of the higher power
An ancient teacher and rabbi taught both obedient love, and that his commands were not burdensome. Indeed, that his commands had exactly the reverse effect―they lightened the burdens of the heavy-laden! Nigel Pocock How can this be? For this rabbi demanded absolute obedience and unselfish love (agape) towards […]
The materialist, the young-earther, and the heretic in conversation
They met together: The young-earther, the materialist-zoologist, and the evolutionary heretic. Matzoo and Young (as we will call them), soon found that they had much in common, greatly to their surprise. There was, of course, much tail-chasing and verbal slanging on the way. Nigel Pocock They both agreed, […]
Exodus or autonomist abdication
Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi is an old school Italian marxist. Rising up during the 1960s, he spent years in exile in France, during the repression of the 1970s. The Prisma’ memoirs. Steve Latham Now a new superstar of the far left, he has released a new book, “Schizo […]
Hegemony, ideology and politics
I first encountered the term ‘hegemony’ when, as a precocious teenager, I read widely about international politics. Here, it described a country’s sphere of influence. Steve Latham Later, at university, I discovered it was used by Marxists, referring to capitalism’s ideological dominance. I learned to distinguish these uses, […]