They remain relegated to an inferior position in their participation in society, in politics, at work, in wages and in educational, economic and social decisions. Luis Beatón El Salvador is home to 6,557,236 people (47.5 per cent), 3,111,463 men and 3,445,772 women (52.5 per cent). But although they […]
In Focus
In Focus
Poverty affects over half of Guatemala
According to Encovi (a survey instrument supported by international organisations), 9.7 million people in Guatemala are poor, that is, 56% of the total population. And 16.2% live in extreme poverty. From 2014 to 2023, however, there was a reduction of 3.0 per cent in the first item and 7.0 […]
A portrait of past, present and future South Africa
It is “Milisuthando”, a film that is the byproduct of the personal and political shock that results from learning that your life has been cooked in a soup of propaganda. It will be in UK cinemas from 18 October. Sarah Harvey As part of Snapshot, the year-long touring […]
It could happen anywhere
It begins one evening with a knock on the front door of an ordinary house in Dublin. Eilish Stack lives there with her husband, Larry, and their four children. Sean Sheehan He is a trade union official for a teachers’ union and happens to be out when two […]
Diaspora music in the metropolis
I met her on a Friday night. She was helping at a youth project in inner London, to which she had been invited by a mutual friend who was a youth worker. Steve Latham She ran some ice-breaker games with games to loosen the kids up, for the […]