A group of citizens, living in different parts of the world, have signed a letter demanding the Colombian government allow them to return to their country, since they have been trapped abroad for two months.
The letter is addressed to President Iván Duque, whose measures to facilitate the return of Colombian travellers have been strongly questioned since they have not helped at all, putting their safety and well-being at risk. The statement to public opinion points out:
“In the face of the world crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of Colombians who found ourselves abroad temporarily for reasons of study, work or making a visit, have become victims of the measures taken by the government of President Iván Duque when it closed the country’s airports. This has had a great impact on our return to Colombian territory, which is the only way out of the confinement or quarantine decreed in the countries in which we are living. For many of us this situation has lasted almost two months.
Therefore we, the undersigned, express our disagreement with the delayed and improvised way in which the government has attempted to solve this problem. In response, we demand:
- A detailed and public schedule of return flights in the shortest possible time for all Colombians trapped abroad.
- Affordable prices or free access to these flights.
- The availability of Colombian Air Force aircraft to proceed with repatriations.
- We demand from the Consulates a rapid and effective assistance plan for Colombians who are still abroad, and that the national government provide the economic resources to guarantee the accommodation, food and medicines of these compatriots.
Defendamos la Paz Internacional (DLPI), Grupo de Colombian@s varados en el mundo,
Grupo de colombianos en Cuba, Colectivo de personas » varados en Brasil», Grupo de Colombianos Varados en Sao Paulo/Brasil, Varados Perú. Colombianos Atrapados en Perú. Regreso a Colombia, S.O.S Colombianos en Perú, Colectivo de Exiliados/as y Refugiados/as Colombianos en el Ecuador (CERCE), María Alejandra Gómez Becerra, Vocera de colombianos varados en Nueva York y New Jersey, Ricardo Botero, Colombianos varados en Canadá, John Jairo Romero Munevar, Coordinador Foro Internacional (Capítulo Valencia), María Isabel Mazo Duarte, Colectivo por La Paz en Colombia desde México Colpaz, Diana Patricia Caro Naranjo, Colectivo por La Paz en Colombia desde México Colpaz. ARRAIGO NY, Vamos por los Derechos Internacional, Foro Internacional de Víctimas (FIV), Colectivo por La Paz en Colombia desde México Colpaz, Defendamos la Paz Argentina, Verdes Migrantes en Argentina, Capítulo Internacional de la Alianza Verde de Colombia. Rueda la Palabra Paz -Brasil.
(Photos: supplied by Defendamos la Paz internacional)