Globe, Human Rights, Latin America, Politics

Lenin’s political persecution of Correa

There is now a judicial mechanism which is being used for political persecution in Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil, in order to prevent the return of progressive governments that have fought against social divisions, establishing public policies for a better distribution of wealth.


Pierre Lebret


This judicial strategy is unacceptable, undemocratic, unethical and it eliminates young people’s chance for a better future.

The sentence against Rafael Correa confirms yet again the Ecuadorian government’s intention to transform the justice system into an instrument of political persecution.

This is very bad news for democracy in Ecuador and Latin America. While Lenin Moreno is in power, opposing his policies means being in danger.

Almost a year ago, thousands of citizens took to the streets of Quito against the president Lenin Moreno’s decision to stop the fuel subsidy, a measure taken in order to meet the requirements set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The repression was brutal. A style of government similar to his Chilean counterpart Sebastián Piñera’s, seen a few days later.

Unfortunately, in Latin America, democracy is attacked from outside and from within.

In this case, the judicial apparatus is used as a political weapon, a persecution meant to resolve differences and to avoid the return of the opposition to power.

We have seen this in Brazil, when Lula was sentenced and jailed weeks before the presidential election.

Something similar happened in Argentina, against Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and now against former president Evo Morales who was suspended as candidate for the senate in Bolivia.

The political persecution of the former president was even reported a few days ago by Human Rights Watch.

In Ecuador, using the law against a former president, political opponents, or criminalizing dozens of people for protesting in October 2019, speak of a presidency that doesn’t believe in the word democracy and the independence of the judicial system.

Another example of this political persecution was the decision taken by the National Electoral Council to suspend several political parties for the next elections, a decision rejected by judge Fernando Muñoz.

The current Ecuadorian president represents the return of ideas and practices that recall the darkest years that his people [have experienced].

He represents the return of neo-liberalism and austerity; the return of the IMF that limits the role of the state when the Latin American people need a state that is strong and can protect and help the most vulnerable, especially now during this health crisis.

And he is also in agreement with the foreign policy of the United States president, Donald Trump.

If we look at the figures, during Rafael Correa’s government, the poverty rate went from 50% in 2010 to 34,5% in 2017. However, since Moreno came to power, poverty increased by about 6% in just three years. (PL)

(Photos: Pixabay – Translated by Cristina Popa – Email: – Photos: Pixabay

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