The so-called ‘Cold War’ did not end with the collapse of the Soviet Union, as it was reborn in other forms. And with it the same thing happened as with traditional colonialism: it changed its appearance but retained its central objective: capital’s economic interests.
Minorities and diaspora, victims of illegal organ trade
The criminal groups specifically target the unemployed, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, many of whom are coerced and deceived into selling organs as a last resort to improve their desperate situation, and who sometimes receive limited or no financial compensation or even post-operative care. Cira Rodríguez César Although […]
300 days of genocide
Western government and media complicity in Israel’s Palestinian genocide. Through genocide, displacement, and denial we are vanishing an Indigenous and native population from its rightful and legal home. Sul Nowroz / Real Media* The Olympics play on television, ice cream vans are parked up on street corners, school […]
The deeper reasons for the violent anti-immigrant riots
An act of major violence in the United Kingdom K on 29 July has sparked not only violent protests led by far-right groups, but also anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim sentiment, where, among other things, the diaspora is blamed for the economic uncertainty the country is currently experiencing.
Children suffering because of climate change
On the African continent, large numbers of children are forced to drop out of school because the lack of rain makes it difficult for them to make the long journey from their homes to school. Others die of malnutrition and others suffer the tragedy of water shortages and the distances […]