“The State and revolution” was written by Lenin in 1917, after events in February had overthrown the Tsar but before October when Bolsheviks took power. Sean Sheehan It was an intensely political interregnum and dangerous too: Lenin had become a wanted man, with a reward of 200,000 roubles […]
Poetry and music in the voices of migrants and refugees
These two languages of art will converge in the “Voces Festival” (Chilean and Latin American Voices in the UK), an event that has taken place every year since 2016 and is a proposal that projects what immigrants and refugees living in a city as multicultural as London live and feel. […]
Immigrants at sea (2): Developing internationalist trade unionism
It is about organising wherever there are migrant, precarious, low-paid or marginalised workers willing to unite. It is about fighting outsourcing and structural race discrimination, disregard for workers’ rights and mainstream media bias on anti-exploitation struggles. It is about inspiring young people and making trade union history part of British education.
The perpetual rootlessness of the immigrant
Emigration is not just a question of adapting to life in a new country but also of having to deal with feelings of guilt, loneliness, homesickness, frustration and expectation.
The world needs less white saviours and more justice
Interreligious dialogue and multiculturalism has failed in a number of countries around the world. So thinks Tasneem Chopra, a prominent curator, consultant, writer and activist whose passion n for addressing social justice issues has embraced many platforms. Khayala Mammadova* Ulviyya Sanili Aydin* An independent cross cultural consultant, she […]