Although feeling integrated into society Benito Rodriguez Medina thinks that there are many ghettos and segregated areas between communities living in London
Virginia Moreno Molina
He is 33-years-old and holds a degree in Business Administration, it is clear where his great love lies when I ask about his hometown: Gran Canaria.
He has spent six months in London and in such a short time he has lived in three different areas and has met all kinds of people.
After spending five years doing courses after completing college, he decided it was time to go to a place where he could start from scratch. “I was forced, forced!” he expresses resentment towards a country like Spain where he could not find work.
“After the first day I wanted to go because I said: what do I do here?”. Luckily he was accompanied by his friend Emma, who came to london to be by his side for the first few days. This was a great support to him.
London was his first choice but he also shuffled between Finland or Ireland, but the closeness to his homeland finally made him settle for this great city. Although it will take some getting used to the language, he has never had any problems because “the English are very polite, and you can find everything yourself.”
When he reached the city, he felt lost and with few options, until he met a family who welcomed him into their home for a short time.
“I am deeply grateful that someone who barely knew me did so much for me.” He also feels very grateful to the Colombians and Africans, who have helped him a lot during these six months. He works two jobs: as a cleaner in a shop and a waiter in a hotel. However, while the economic crisis is not as strong as in Spain, Benito does notice the difference in salaries, especially in night work where he previously earned more.
He thinks this is due to the large number of people coming to look for work, and that the great supply and demand is what makes you notice it more.
He currently shares a house in Stockwell with a Colombian friend and an African family, and although he has achieved some stability here, he does not plan to stay long term.
“My mother tells me that things are very difficult in Spain,” but he expects to be able to return someday.
(Translated by Grace Essex: – Photos: Pixabay