Is the Green Party as totalitarian as all the other parties? As a long serving and loyal member of the Green Party of England and Wales, Eric Walker is one of almost sixty party members to be forced out through suspension, expulsion or resignation. Lizzie Fletcher / UnityNews […]
Development and politics… revenge against nature
The images of the disaster left by the DANA depression in the province of Valencia (Spain) are horrifying. Despite being horrifying, in Colombia and around the world there will be hundreds of millions of human beings who still doubt that climate change and its multiple crises are a socio-environmental and […]
The emotion is the same, which is fear
In the case ofhuman beings, there is a “technical fault” that happens; men and women are also able to fear things or situations just by imagining them, without the thing or situation actually happening or being real. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, between 50-60% […]
Clean and renewable energy vs. nuclear energy
The first option is the most sensible. The second, like other renewable energies that have not convinced the public, has, on occasion, shown that its advantages outweigh its dangers. Arnaldo González Arias Thermoelectric power use emits CO2, a principal greenhouse gas that, along with others, produces acid rain. […]
Children suffering because of climate change
On the African continent, large numbers of children are forced to drop out of school because the lack of rain makes it difficult for them to make the long journey from their homes to school. Others die of malnutrition and others suffer the tragedy of water shortages and the distances […]