The dominant class in Latin America and other countries represents a very small percentage of the population but manages to assemble in its defence social groups of some importance. But it also has the support of popular sectors which for various reasons adopt that oligarchy’s slogans.
“Stronger as one”, against the climate crisis
The danger of a climate emergency, for which many are to blame, and which must be acted upon, is clear. And it must be faced head-on. Extinction Rebellion (XR) Camden and Islington will be holding an independent debate on 28 March on how North London groups can work together to […]
Imperialist sanctions kill
On the 18th of Feb 22, a giant Cuban flag was unfurled in Trafalgar Square, in the centre of London, in a protest to demand an end to US sanctions on Cuba. Rock Around the Blockade The US blockade is the longest and most comprehensive set of sanctions […]
The last Britain in Guantanamo
Despite Barak Obama’s promise to close down Guantanamo Bay, Shaker Aamer a former British resident and father of four is continuing to be detained in the illegal enclosure in Cuba after nine years of being imprisoned without charge or trial. The Prisma’s Memoirs. November 2010. Sofia Ahmad 43 […]
Detainees II – Becky: “We can’t accept everything that is done to us”
Poor healthcare, detainees abused by the guards and a system that “breaks your heart” are part of the things this Cameroonian woman lived while being detained in the UK. “It’s people who have been tortured, who are gang raped in their countries”, she explains.