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Macri denies support for social repression in Bolivia

Former Argentinian president Mauricio Macri broke his silence, two days after the scandal regarding his backing of social repression in Bolivia in 2019, he refuted the facts and claimed to be politically persecuted.


Already in the international spotlight following the Bolivian government’s complaint against his support with military weapons during the protests that followed the coup against Evo Morales, the former president released a letter in which he not only “vehemently denied the veracity of the accusations” but also took the opportunity to discredit Alberto Fernández.

In his response, Macri condemned the letter that Fernández sent to the Bolivian authorities expressing pain and embarrassment and asking forgiveness to Bolivia, labelling the allegation as false facts in which, he claimed, they want to “involve me”.

Despite clear evidence on the November 2019 coup shown by the Bolivian authorities, the ex-president of Argentina maintained that “following allegations of fraud and the subsequent resignation of Evo, and in line with the Organization of American States (OAS) and the European Union, Argentina provided humanitarian assistance”.

“Everything that was said is false. It’s all a lie”, wrote Macri, who deemed the allegations “unsubstantiated” and said they were part “of the alienating and paranoid dynamics of a weak government that looks to hide the reality that haunts it”.

Macri claimed once more that he is a victim of persecution and that this is “a new attempt to divert the attention from the failure in managing the pandemic, the economic failure and management of vaccines”.

He also took the opportunity to point out that the current government has let the Argentines down and in the midst of the electoral campaign that is already felt in the country he added that he hopes “[the government] is widely defeated in the October elections in order to limit the immeasurable damage it’s committing”.

Last Thursday, during a press conference, the Bolivian Foreign Minister, Rogelio Mayta, disclosed a letter signed by the commanding general of the Bolivian Air Force, Jorge Gonzalo Terceros Lara, that was sent to the former Argentine ambassador Normando Álvarez García.

The document highlights how Macri’s government supplied equipment and material in order for Jeanine Añez’s de-facto government to suppress public protests.

Mayta recalled that Evo Morales left office on 10 November 2019 and the letter is dated 13 [November]. This war material, he added, came to consolidate Añez’s de-facto government by force.

In the last hours, the head of the Ministry of Security, Sabina Frederic, confirmed there are notes that report the shipment of war material and clarified that even though initially there were talks about 40,000 cartridges, there were in fact 70,000, almost double, as indicated in one of the notes. (PL)

(Translated by Cristina Popa – Email: – Photos: Pixabay

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