Meditation is the route to enlightenment, of the outer, urban, context, as well as the inner, personal, condition. Steve Latham Paul Virilio, coined the term ‘Dromology’ to describe the scientifc-philosophical investigation of speed in contemporary experience. And this is the nature of the ‘urbiverse’ we live in. To […]
Urban time: rules for living
I have spent over thirty years working in London, trying to understand the nature of urban experience. Sometimes I’ve done so from a supposedly ‘objective’ social science perspective: facts and figures. Steve Latham At other times, the touchy-feely way of understanding the mode of living in the city, […]
Brexit: conservatism, capitalism and class
Worldwide we are in the middle of, what Heinrich Geiselberger calls, “The great regression”, a reaction against seemingly irresistible economic globalisation and planetary integration. Steve Latham The trend combines Brexit and Boris Johnson’s premiership, with Donald Trump’s election, Matteo Salvini in Italy, and Viktor Orban’s rule in Hungary. […]
A kind of blue, a homage to Miles
I let myself out through my garden gate, and walk into the side street, where we live. Above me, I see the bright blue sky, and the spiky, bare, branches of leaves, pointing starkly upwards. Steve Latham Looking for beauty in the centre of the city is […]
Living time’s arrow
On TV this week, I saw an ad for some sports programmes, which said we don’t have to wait for the future, because it’s already here. Steve Latham It reminded me of cyberpunk author, William Gibson’s quip: that the future’s here, it’s just unevenly distributed. Gibson began writing […]