
Book reviews Comments Culture In Focus

Fables with a punch

Fables tend to convey a moral, often anodyne, sometimes downright objectionable. Enlightened writers have seen that children need fables with a ring of social truth, not sanctimonious ones that avoid confronting unpleasant realities. Sean Sheehan   The libertarian William Godwin (1756-1836) took to writing under an assumed name because of […]

Book reviews Comments Culture In Focus

Ordinary heroism

 Maria Fouillette, daughter of a butcher in a French town close to the border with Switzerland, was the mother of two children. Her husband Roger became leader of an anti-Nazi resistance group until he was arrested in 1943.   Sean Sheehan   Roger was brought, shackled and bruised, to his […]

Book reviews Comments Culture In Focus

Art of the body

Mari Katayama, born in 1987 in Japan, is an artist of the body; her own to be exact. She celebrates the life of body and spirit in photographic self-portraits and the embroidering of objects that relate to her body.   Sean Sheehan   Exhibitions of her work have been seen […]