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Reconsidering neoliberalism in times of coronavirus

This pandemic is bringing to light all the weaknesses of the current capitalist order. For that reason, it is more a wish than a realistic claim from those analysts who maintain that the current crisis is the circumstance that will open the doors to a new universal order. Nothing can be stated with certainty. It is possible that the pandemic will be overcome in time, or we could be on the verge of something worse with unprecedented consequences.

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Coronavirus and tax justice

The current crisis must not be used by tax avoiding companies to get government assistance. If the wealth concealed by these companies and individuals had been properly taxed the world could have been better prepared for this pandemic. Ordinary people were forced to bail out the financial system after 2008, this time they must start paying their dues.

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The pandemic: a weapon?

Given the dimensions of its scope and its unpredictable evolution, the Coronavirus is now receiving the greatest worldwide media attention. It is difficult to add to what has already been said by governments and the media. However, two quite significant aspects can be focused on: the real origin of the pandemic and the benefit that some governments derive from it.