Comments, Globe, Human Rights, In Focus, Latin America, Politics

Almagro in his labyrinth

Luis Almagro missed the opportunity to stay silent when he congratulated online Bolivia’s new president Luis Arce on his election, confirming the OAS was complicit in the 2019 coup.


Luis Almagro. Photo: Presidencia El Salvador / Flickr. License Creative Commons

Manuel Robles Sosa


“The people of Bolivia have expressed themselves at the ballots. We congratulate Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca and wish them success in their future endeavours. I am sure that from democracy you will be able to forge a bright future for your country. A recognition to the Bolivian people”, wrote the Secretary General of the Organisation of American States on Twitter.

This message would have made sense if it would have been sent to president Evo Morales, following his victory a year ago, but, at the time, Almagro and the organisation’s mission spread doubts and lies about the electoral process and instigated a coup d’état.

This is why Evaliz, Evo Morales’ daughter, asked him to keep quiet, replying: “For the dignity of my people: keep your congratulations, Luis Almagro. The day will come when you will be brought to justice for your interventions in Honduras, Venezuela and Bolivia”.

Trump and Bolsonaro’s partner could have also kept quiet, for the sake of decency, a few weeks before the recent elections, when he responded to criticism from a group of US MPs regarding the nefarious role the OAS played in the 2019 election, and he did so by arrogantly reiterating his lies.

For example, the OAS presented as evidence of alleged irregularities during the elections, a list of 13 polling stations from 5 departments (provinces) where the mission pointed out there was an excessive increase in votes for MAS.

The official results of last Sunday’s vote showed that in 11 of the 13 polling stations, the votes for MAS were higher the previous year, and in the other 2, there was a slight drop.

Returning to Almagro’s mismanaged silences, during the recent elections, he said nothing when Arturo Murillo, the Interior Minister and powerful member of the de-facto regime, threatened to use weapons against MAS or showed handcuffs he was going to use against the electoral observers if they were not to his liking.

His silence was even louder when Jeanine Áñez, the de-facto ruler, and her right hand, Murillo, openly asked people to vote for the right-wing candidate, Carlos Mesa, and tried to block the return of the MAS to the government, thus violating the law that prohibits the executive power to interfere in the electoral process.

Almagro also kept quiet when Murillo detained an official delegation of MPs from Argentina, invited to observe, his order to ban one of them failed only due to the complaint from the Supreme Electoral Court.

He also looked the other way when Murillo sent armed troops and armoured cars who fired at anti-coup protesters in the Senkata massacre, in the city of El Alto, for which he bragged shamelessly, as shown in a video broadcast on social media networks.

Perhaps he could break his silence and ask the group shocks (who were at the centre of violent acts that destabilised the country and opened the way to the coup against Evo Morales) to calm down and stops calling for violence against the triumph of the MAS.

If he does it, it will be because he doesn’t have a choice, but with a character like Almagro, you never know. (PL)

(Translated by Cristina Popa – Email: –  Photos: Pixabay

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