The village of Wixárika (Huichol), situated in the western Mexican states of Jalisco, Nayarit and Durango, is demanding the cancellation of mining grants made to foreign companies in San Luis Potosí, for endangering native sacred land. Deisy Francis Mexidor “We do not want Canadian businesses, we do not […]
Koguis… in search of the lost world
Since the time when the creator god Kakua Serankua put the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in their hands and gave them the task of respecting it, the Koguis – Older Brothers of the Human Race – began to fulfill his plans. Mónica del Pilar Uribe Marin And […]
Freeganism, an alternative lifestyle
Every day, and all over the world, tonnes of food are wasted by millions of homes, industries and companies. And it’s not always because the food is past its sell-by date or in some way unfit for human consumption; it’s thrown into the bin simply because it’s “not needed”. […]