Growing up as a third generation migrant in the UK, with origins from the Caribbean and Africa, I have become aware of Britain’s racial divides. Despite being labelled ‘British’, I sometimes feel out of place in the country I was born.
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Victoria Brittain: a truth seeker and a speaker for the persecuted
She spent most of her lifetime fighting in the frontline, speaking up for the human rights of those who are not powerful enough to raise their voice. Not seeing herself as an activist, she just tries to hold onto the truth she sees with her own eyes, and be true to her beliefs.
Detainees I – Becky, twice detained: a migrant in Yarl’s Wood
After six years living in the United Kingdom, she was detained for five and then seven months. This is the story of a Cameroonian woman who saw people die in detention and gives her account to The Prisma.
“I don’t belong here”… families broken up by inhuman US law
These are the stories of people convicted of minor crimes and deported to their place of birth in the Azores, which many left as young children. Deported hours after sentences completed, refused permission to say goodbye to families, or refused entry after a holiday, all because they didn’t apply for […]
“Roots 2”: Waves of migration reach Santiago
In recent years, attention in Europe on migration issues has been focussed on the wave of refugees heading towards their frontiers, forgetting that this phenomenon is also occurring on other continents on a large scale.