On TV this week, I saw an ad for some sports programmes, which said we don’t have to wait for the future, because it’s already here. Steve Latham It reminded me of cyberpunk author, William Gibson’s quip: that the future’s here, it’s just unevenly distributed. Gibson began writing […]
In Focus
In Focus
Brexit and immigrants: The future at risk
Despite concrete evidence to the contrary, right wings parties from all over the world always play the “immigrants are stealing our jobs” card. I witnessed a clear example of that during the 2016 Brexit referendum. Leavers based their entire campaign on immigration. Nathan Raia In 2015, Italy was […]
The conservative conjuncture: analysing actual ‘new times’
In his New Year Message, Jeremy Corbyn called for the Labour Party to lead the ‘resistance’ against the Conservatives. Steve Latham Immediately after his election defeat, however, as he announced his resignation, Corbyn had advocated a “period of reflection”. But he is returning to the back benches, where […]
Sitting down with a good book
Adorno wrote how notions like ‘sitting down with a good book’ are archaic.’ His reasoning was that the administered world of modern capitalism renders obsolete the idea of stories based around individuals seen to be in charge of their own destiny. Sean Sheehan The whole idea of what […]
Tired of London?
“Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.” Steve Latham James Boswell, in his famous biography of […]