On 6th of January BBC1 News reported that research shows that brain ‘power’ starts to decay earlier than was thought … Reasoning powers diminish from age 40 or so… Nigel Pocock Is an implied brain ‘power’ only about ‘reasoning’? This statement is extremely simplistic; making good judgements is […]
In Focus
In Focus
Multiculturalism? Yes, but we only tolerate diversity
There is no problem with multiculturalism as such, it has existed since ancient times even though the term arose only recently. It is a necessary, and unavoidable fact of life. Monica del Pilar Uribe Marin It has its own dynamic, and its own difficulties resulting from the interaction […]
“Cinema Snapshot” series: Viva Rita!
Hollywood. A dream factory, source of aspirations and opportunity for some, but historically a virtual closed shop for others. Sometimes for legitimate reasons, but often not! Ethnicity, for example! Chris Ludlam To this day, only one Latina/Hispanic Actress has won a coveted Academy Award (Oscar) – Rita Moreno […]
Does multiculturalism have a future?
The answer to this question must surely be ‘yes’. This is true, even if it is an involuntary one. . Nigel Pocock . Only the very long-term future, hundreds of years hence, when then is likely to be a monoculture, and everyone looks the same – or a total restriction […]
Homosexuality and religious intolerance
The social and political discourse against equality of rights between heterosexual and homosexual couples refers to homosexual practice as “unnatural”, if not quoting religious dogma. Has there been a reduction of homosexuality in the world driven by the lack of rights that homosexuals have? Do they “correct” the unnatural side […]